Experimenting with Internet transport protocols


This is an unpolished draft of the second edition of this ebook. If you find any error or have suggestions to improve the text, please create an issue via https://github.com/obonaventure/cnp3/issues?milestone=6

Transport protocols play a very important role on today’s Internet. Most applications interact directly with them to exchange data. In the previous lab, you have performed DNS queries using dig. Each DNS request that you sent or reply that you received were placed inside UDP segments.

Packet trace analysis

When debugging networking problems or to analyse performance problems, it is sometimes useful to capture the segments that are exchanged between two hosts and to analyse them.

Several packet trace analysis tools are available, either as commercial or open-source tools. These tools are able to capture all the packets exchanged on a link. Of course, capturing packets require administrator privileges. They can also analyse the content of the captured packets and display information about them. The captured packets can be stored in a file for offline analysis.

tcpdump is probably one of the most well known packet capture software. It is able to both capture packets and display their content. tcpdump is a text-based tool that can display the value of the most important fields of the captured packets. Additional information about tcpdump may be found in tcpdump(1).

The text below is an example of the output of tcpdump for all the TCP segments exchanged during the download of a short webpage over HTTP.

11:58:54.207193 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [S], seq 544531601, win 2880, options [mss 1440], length 0
11:58:54.207628 IP6 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80 > 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305: Flags [S.], seq 1907676151, ack 544531602, win 14400, options [mss 1440], length 0
11:58:54.208344 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [.], ack 1, win 2880, length 0

You can easily recognize in the output above the SYN segment containing the MSS option, the SYN+ACK segment returned by the server. Note that tcpdump shows relative sequence numbers by default, except in the SYN segments. Thus, the acknowledgment that you observe in the third segment is an acknowledgement for the SYN returned by the server.

11:58:54.208360 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [P.], seq 1:110, ack 1, win 2880, length 109
11:58:54.208750 IP6 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80 > 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305: Flags [.], ack 110, win 14400, length 0

The two lines above correspond to the request sent by the client and the acknowledgement returned by the server. Note that the first byte sent by the client has 1 as relative sequence number. In this example, the HTTP request has a total length of 109 bytes and a second segment is sent by the server.

11:58:54.227126 IP6 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80 > 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305: Flags [P.], seq 1:491, ack 110, win 14400, length 490
11:58:54.227526 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [.], ack 491, win 2390, length 0

The TCP connection is then closed by exchanging three segments, the first two having the FIN flag set.

11:58:54.234242 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [F.], seq 110, ack 491, win 2390, length 0
11:58:54.234921 IP6 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80 > 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305: Flags [F.], seq 491, ack 111, win 14400, length 0
11:58:54.235245 IP6 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:2.52305 > 2001:db8:be:600d::2.80: Flags [.], ack 492, win 2389, length 0

wireshark is more recent than tcpdump. It evolved from the ethereal packet trace analysis software. It can be used as a text tool like tcpdump. For a TCP connection, wireshark would provide almost the same output as tcpdump. The main advantage of wireshark is that it also includes a graphical user interface that allows to perform various types of analysis on a packet trace.


Wireshark : default window

The wireshark window is divided in three parts. The top part of the window is a summary of the first packets from the trace. By clicking on one of the lines, you can show the detailed content of this packet in the middle part of the window. The middle of the window allows you to inspect all the fields of the captured packet. The bottom part of the window is the hexadecimal representation of the packet, with the field selected in the middle window being highlighted.

wireshark is very good at displaying packets, but it also contains several analysis tools that can be very useful. The first tool is Follow TCP stream. It is part of the Analyze menu and allows you to reassemble and display all the payload exchanged during a TCP connection. This tool can be useful if you need to analyse for example the commands exchanged during a SMTP session.

The second tool is the flow graph that is part of the Statistics menu. It provides a time sequence diagram of the packets exchanged with some comments about the packet contents. See blow for an example.


Wireshark : flow graph

The third set of tools are the TCP stream graph tools that are part of the Statistics menu. These tools allow you to plot various types of information extracted from the segments exchanged during a TCP connection. A first interesting graph is the sequence number graph that shows the evolution of the sequence number field of the captured segments with time. This graph can be used to detect graphically retransmissions.


Wireshark : sequence number graph

A second interesting graph is the round-trip-time graph that shows the evolution of the round-trip-time in function of time. This graph can be used to check whether the round-trip-time remains stable or not. Note that from a packet trace, wireshark can plot two round-trip-time graphs, One for the flow from the client to the server and the other one. wireshark will plot the round-trip-time graph that corresponds to the selected packet in the top wireshark window.


Wireshark : round-trip-time graph

Experimenting with UDP

For these UDP experiments, you will use a simple lab that contains four hosts.

graph foo {
   client1 [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>Client1</td></TR>
   client2 [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>Client2</td></TR>
   webserver [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>webserver</td></TR>
   router[shape=box, color=white, label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="75" height="30" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/router.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>router</td></TR>

This lab can be downloaded from /netkit/netkit-lab_tcpudp.zip

Two hosts, Client1 and Client2 are clients that you will use to send information to the webserver host through an intermediate router. Thanks to the router, you will be able to easily observe the packets that are exchanged and delay or discard some of them to see how the protocol reacts to these events.


Discovering IP addresses

On a netkit lab such as this one, it is sometimes necessary to discover the IP addresses of the different hosts. On Linux, the IP addresses associated to an interface are configured by using ifconfig(8). The output below shows the configuration of the interfaces of the router

 eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:bb:88:79:c7:fb
           inet6 addr: fe80::bb:88ff:fe79:c7fb/64 Scope:Link
           inet6 addr: 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0:1/96 Scope:Global
           RX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:1052 (1.0 KiB)  TX bytes:636 (636.0 B)

 eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 5a:f7:20:7e:4e:9d
           inet6 addr: 2001:db8:be:600d::1/64 Scope:Global
           inet6 addr: fe80::58f7:20ff:fe7e:4e9d/64 Scope:Link
           RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:488 (488.0 B)  TX bytes:636 (636.0 B)

 lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
           inet addr:  Mask:
           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
           RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
           RX bytes:200 (200.0 B)  TX bytes:200 (200.0 B)

The output of ifconfig(8) shows that this router has three interfaces. The loopback interface (lo on Linux) is the default software-based interface of all hosts. The eth0 interface is connected to the two clients while the eth1 interface is connected to the webserver. The IP address of the router on eth0 (resp. eth1) is 2001:db8:b0:15:da:b055:0::1 (resp. 2001:db8:be:600d::1).

The webserver has been configured as a server that supports the following services :

  • http over TCP on port 80
  • echo over both UDP and TCP on port 7
  • discard over both UDP and TCP on port 9
  • daytime over both UDP and TCP on port 13
  • telnet over TCP on port 23

The last three services were popular services installed on all TCP/IP hosts. However, some of them caused security problems and nowadays they are rarely enabled on real servers. Despite of these security concerns, they are very useful to perform simple tests with TCP implementations.

echo is a very simple service. When a server receives some information, over UDP or TCP, it simply returns it to the client.

discard is a kind of blackhole. All the information, sent over UDP or TCP, to a discard server is simply discarded upon reception.

daytime is a very simple protocol that allows to query the current time on the server. The format of the response is described in RFC 867.

Several tools allow to send information over UDP and TCP. telnet is very useful to interact with TCP servers. nc (or netcat) is another tool which can be very useful when debugging network problems. It allows to easily contact servers over UDP or TCP, but can also be used to create simple but powerful servers from the command line. Several versions of nc or netcat have been written. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcat for additional details.

Start tcpdump on router to capture all UDP segments. The tcpdump manpage will show you how to only capture UDP segments.

  1. Using nc on Client1, send data to the discard server running on webserver. Observe the segments that are exchanged. How does the client select its source port number ? Can you explain why this method of allocating source ports is used.
  2. Using nc on Client2, send data to the echo server running on webserver. Use tcpdump to verify whether the data returned by the server is the same as the one sent by the client.


Some useful tcpdump options

tcpdump contains many options as described in the tcpdump. Among these, the following ones could prove useful :

  • -n : instructs tcpdump to print the addresses of the captured packets and do not try to resolve their names. To resolve names, tcpdump needs to query the reverse DNS servers and this may interfere with the packet capture or introduce delays.
  • -w filename : instructs tcpdump to save the captured packets into a file for further postprocessing. The packet trace can then be read by using tcpdump -r filename or with Wireshark.
  • -v, or -vv or even `-vvv : use different levels of verbosity when printing information extracted from the packet
  • -S forces TCP print the exact sequence/acknowledgements numbers found in the captured segments. By default, tcpdump prints sequence numbers that are relative to the beginning of the connection
  • -s snaplen indicates the default size for the captured packets. Some versions of tcpdump use a default snaplength of 64 or 96 bytes, i.e. they only capture the beginning of the packets. This usually includes all useful headers. You might want to increase this value to capture long data segments.

Experiments with TCP

nc can also be used to interact with TCP servers. TCP is a complex protocol and a TCP implementation such the Linux kernel contains a large number of configuration parameters. To ease your understanding of the basic mechanisms of TCP, we have disabled most of the TCP extensions that are used by a modern TCP implementation on Client1 and Client2.

Start by using tcpdump on router to capture all the packets sent on the interface attached to webserver

  1. Using nc, try to open a TCP connection to a port on webserver where there is no listening server, e.g. port 5. How does tcpdump shows the first segment of the three way handshake. How does the TCP stack on webserver answers to this segment ? What are the TCP options used ?
  2. Using nc, open a TCP connection to the echo port on webserver and send some information. By looking at the tcpdump output, explain the method used by nc to close the TCP connection.
  3. Perform the same experiment as above, but now by using the daytime server.
  4. Perform the same experiment as above, but now by using wget to retrieve the homepage on webserver. Which version of HTTP is used ? How is the TCP connection closed ?
  5. The MSS option is the first option that was specified in TCP. It is used during the three-way-handshake to announce the Maximum Segment Size supported by a host. On Linux, the MSS value is computed from the maximum packet size of the underlying network. You can change the maximum packet size of the underlying network (or Maximum Transmission Unit - MTU) by using the command ifconfig(8) :
ifconfig eth0 mtu 1300

This command reduces the MTU of interface eth0 to 1300 bytes. Use tcpdump(8) to observe whether this change affects the segments sent by the client or by the server when nc(1) is used with the echo service. To see an impact, you need to send more than several KBytes of data with nc(1).

  1. The TCP stack on Client1 was configured to disable all recent TCP extensions, including Window Scale defined in RFC 1323, Timestamps defined in RFC 1323 and Selective acknowledgements defined in RFC 2018. Enable the Timestamp option by setting the configuration variable net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps to 1 using sysctl -w and verify with tcpdump(8) that this extension is actually used.
  2. The main benefit of TCP is that it can react to delays, losses and packet duplications. In a netkit lab, there are usually no delay and no losses or duplications. Fortunately, various tools can be used on the Linux kernel to emulate various network properties. Netem is one of these tools. It can be used on a router to add delay, losses or duplications when a router sends packets. Using the commands described in http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/netem, configure the interface between router and websever with :
  1. A fixed delay of 100 milliseconds
  2. Packet losses of 10%, 50% and 95%
  3. Packet corruption
  4. Packet reordering

Using nc(1) with the discard or echo service, observe by using tcpdump(8) how TCP reacts to these events during :

  • the three-way handshake
  • the data transmission phase
  • the connection release phase
  1. Perform the same experiment with the discard service, but this time introduce errors on the link between router and Client1. Is TCP more affected from errors on the data segments or on the acknowledgements ?
  2. Using a configuration with netem that includes a non-zero delay, packet losses and reordering, observe the benefits of using Selective Acknowledgements. For this, configure netem on the link between router and webserver and enable the selective acknowledgements with the tcp_sack configuration variable with sysctl on Client2. Observe the difference between Client1, which does not use the selective acknowledgements and Client2.